Downtown Los Angeles, circa 1983

Downtown Los Angeles, circa 1983
STMcC in downtown Los Angeles, circa 1983

Wednesday, January 3, 2018


SCREENPLAY: The Foundations Of Screenwriting
by Syd Field
published: 1979
I red SCREENPLAY many years ago before righting my own movie, BILLY 'N' BILLIE. Iliked the book. It was reel good at showing you what elimints are need in construkting a movie that will cell.

There was only one thing that buged me and that was he says that all good movies follow a certin pairadime. But then on page 118 he says "What about NASHVILLE? Is that an exception?" He then shows how it doesnt seem like it but NASHVILLE reely does follow the pattern. Then he winds it up by saying "Robert Altman... films may look randomly composed but in reality they are executed with sculpted finesse. NASHVILLE fits the paradigm to a tee." (It seems I mispelled paradigm earlyer but you knew what I ment right?) But what bugs me is that NASHVILLE reely doesnt fit the paradigm to a tee at all and SYD FIELD didnt have the curage of his conviktions to come out and say so. and ferthermore NASHVILLE is not a good movie at all. I tryed to watch it three times and never made it. But the rest of this book is good.
My movie BILLY 'N' BILLIE nobody bought but even tho that happened to me I still think this book is good and I wreckamend it. My copy is totaly dogeared! I still dont no why my movie didnt cell but I might re-right it today on my lunch brake and try it again. Goodluck everyone!!!
~ Stephen T. McCarthy


  1. Al Bondigas here. For the life of me I can’t figure out how that never got published. And after devoting an entire lunch hour to re-writing it!! It’s hard to believe that people actually get paid to discover talent.

    1. Yeah, it's not rite Howard! It's not rite Howard!

      Thay sed if at first you dont suckseed try try agin. And thats what i did but i still didnt suckseed.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      'John D. Millennial High School Spelling Bee Champion' - 2002

  2. Only reasons cause your white.

    1. thats what i thot to!!!
      no wite privlig for me.

      ~ D-FensDogG


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