Downtown Los Angeles, circa 1983

Downtown Los Angeles, circa 1983
STMcC in downtown Los Angeles, circa 1983

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


by R. Edwin Sherman
published: 2005
As of this date, I have posted on 74 Reviews, 24 "So You'd Like To..." Guides, and 18 Listmania Lists. Now let's imagine, just for the sake of argument, that in reading through my Amazon "stuff" you happened to notice that the word "dog" appeared in one form or another in virtually everything I'd posted -- all 74 Reviews, all 24 Guides, and all 18 Lists. Would you accept that this might have occurred by SIMPLE CHANCE? Or would you be convinced that it was indicative of a deliberate design?
If you answered "possibly SIMPLE CHANCE", then there is a strong "CHANCE" that you, my dear friend, are rather "SIMPLE" in mind... not that there's anything wrong with that. But I have some marvelous business opportunities I'd like to discuss with you!
Well, the hidden Equidistant Letter Sequence (E.L.S.) codes that are illuminated in 'BIBLE CODE BOMBSHELL' are astronomically more indicative of intelligent design than even the ubiquitous "dog" hypothesis that I fabricated above.

For example: Isaiah, chapter 53, from the Bible's Old Testament (documented to have existed at least 100 years before the birth of Christ, and more likely about 700 years prior) is a prophecy concerned with the coming of a Suffering Servant who would atone for the sins of mankind. Cloaked within that chapter at equidistant letter sequences are over 1,600 encoded references to Jesus, etc. Included are phrases such as "HE OFFENDED. THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS. HE IS RISEN INDEED" / "AND IN HIS NAME, AS HE COMMANDED, JESUS IS THE WAY" / "AND WHERE ARE THEY? THE SANHEDRIN IS FINISHED" / "FATHER, THE ASCENSION OF JESUS IS HEAVENLY" / "GOD WILL HAVE HIS OWN DAY" / "JESUS THE GIFT IS MASTER AND MY LORD" / "WONDER! JESUS IS THE TRUTH" / "JESUS IS SALVATION" / "MARY IS THE MOTHER OF GOD" / "DREADFUL DAY FOR MARY" / "SON OF ELOHIM" / "TRUE MESSIAH" / "WHO IS JESUS? MASTER"
R. Edwin Sherman, an acknowledged expert in statistical analysis, has determined that the odds of these references, and the many others, appearing by chance beneath the plain text of Isaiah 53, are less than 1 in 2,189 followed by 192 zeroes. Meaning: There's effectively NO CHANCE!

On page 78, the author concludes, "What has been mathematically proven is this: it is an established fact that the author of Isaiah 53 knew at least a century in advance the key details of the life and death of Jesus. In other words, the occurrence of this miracle has been scientifically established." And that does not even begin to factor in all of the encoded phrases found in Ezekiel 37, and other Biblical passages. (And you thought Dan Brown's silly 'DA VINCI CODE' was good stuff?)
There's still much to learn, but in the "dog-eat-dog" Bible Code debate, R. Edwin Sherman has "unleashed" the "pit bull" of Bible Code publications to date. He answers the skeptics' arguments and shows conclusively that at least some portions of The Bible were encoded by a prescient Superintelligence. Yes, the code exists -- that's not the question now. The question has become: Will it affect how you live your life in any appreciable way?
I find that one reviewer has panned this book by casting aspersions on the author's facility with the Hebrew language. He writes, "It should be mandatory for an author of Bible codes to be able to at least read Hebrew but unfortunately it is not."
Since R. Edwin Sherman is not a Hebrew expert, he collaborates with one. As 'BIBLE CODE BOMBSHELL' clearly states, all of Sherman's research is closely examined by Holocaust survivor Nathan Jacobi, Ph.D. Jacobi (an agnostic) received a Ph.D. in physics from Weizman Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel. He received an M.Sc. in physics and a B.Sc. in mathematics from Bar-Illan University in Ramat-Gan, Israel. He is a retired college professor with more than 30 years of research, development and scientific computing in applied physics, aerospace and geophysics. He has taught atomic and molecular physics, quantum mechanics, college algebra, trigonometry and analysis, analytic geometry, and calculus -- in Israel and the U.S. Jacobi received a thorough education in both Biblical and contemporary Hebrew. He reads the news daily in Hebrew, converses with his wife in Hebrew, and has taught Hebrew for several years.
There are people who hate the Truth, and that's their prerogative as free individuals. But it should be mandatory for a reviewer of a book to have at least read the book he reviews. And YOU can quote ME on that!
~ Stephen T. McCarthy


  1. Al Bondigas here. What ever happened to all of the Bible code interest? I remember how fascinated we were whenever any new information came out. Do you know of anyone continuing with the research?

    1. NAPPY ~
      About 5 years ago, I read a book titled 'DIVINE CONTACT-DISCOVERY OF THE ORIGINAL NEW TESTAMENT' by Rev. David Bauscher. It was about the Aramaic New Testament and included a good deal of Bible code information found therein. And that's pretty much where I stopped studying the subject, as it had been conclusively proven to my satisfaction that Bible codes are a fact.

      Even when I am intensely interested in a subject, I generally move on to the next thing once I am certain I know the essential truth about a thing.

      For example, I didn't need to be pushed out of a boat into the middle of Lake Tahoe more than once to know that water is damned cold. And likewise, unless something really unusual comes to my attention, subjects that I feel I sufficiently know, I stop reading about.

      I don't read a lot of books about politics anymore, or Evolution / Intelligent Design, or UFOs and aliens, or Comparative Religion / Theology, or Reincarnation, or Senator Joe McCarthy. I mean, why keep studying when you already know you could kick Andrew Leon's ass from pillar to post in a debate? At some point, further study becomes a situation of diminishing returns.

      But below are some good sites (including one for David Bauscher) pertaining to various Bible code discoveries:

      The Holy Bible is God's Word -- it's Divinely inspired -- Jesus Christ is our Savior and Israel's Messiah, and God created all that was created. God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy. What else we gots ta know?

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

    2. Well. I’d like to know who put the ram in the rama- lama- ding dong.

    3. Who put the O in the Obama-Lama-Ding-Dong?

      I guess that would be Michael Michelle, eh?

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends


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