by Joseph Murphy, D.D., PhD., LL.D., D.R.S.
It’s kind of funny how I came by SONGS OF GOD by Joseph Murphy, D.D., Ph.D., LL.D., D.R.S. (Man, that’s a lot of “letters” after his name, isn’t it? Is that supposed to add weight to what he has to say? Well, it certainly adds alphabet – no argument there! But then Moses, Elijah, King David, John The Baptist, Christ Jesus, and Saint John didn’t need any additional “letters” behind their names in order to get my attention.)
A couple of years ago, I posted on Amazon.scum a review for [link> The Holy Bible From The Ancient Eastern Text, translated by George Lamsa. Sometime later, a woman living in the South if I recall correctly (Selma, Alabama?), posted her own review in which she contradicted a point I had made in my review. It was immediately apparent to me that she either misconstrued my meaning or else she didn’t have a real firm grasp on the interrelationship of the Old and New Testaments. I thought I would be “a funny guy” and explain it to her. So, I went to the library, found her listed in her local telephone directory, and made a long distance call:
“Hello, this is Stephen T. McCarthy. Does that name ring a bell?”
“Um. Kind of.”
“Do you remember a review for The Holy Bible that you posted on Ammyland?”
Well, I thought it was pretty hilarious, but she sounded a bit like a Southern Belle caught in the headlights. Anyway, we had a pleasant (and rather expensive) conversation; I explained my review’s meaning to her, and she made me promise to read one of her favorite books on spirituality: SONGS OF GOD by Joseph Murphy, D.D., Ph.D., LL.D., D.R.S. (I don’t know what all those letters stand for, other than the D.D. for “Deputy Dog”, of course. I realize it’s really “Dawg”, but I’m trying my best to keep this review very highbrow.) Anyhow, I always come through on my promises (even if their fulfillment sometimes takes years), and I recently finished my Southern friend’s recommendation, although she’s undoubtedly forgotten all about me and my promise... wherever she is.
I had a mixed reaction to SONGS OF GOD. Overall, I would say it’s a worthwhile book that unquestionably contains some real insight into the deeper meanings of some of The Bible’s Psalms, and Murphy, D.D., Ph.D., LL.D., D.R.S. brings to light some of the great spiritual principles that are rarely recognized and activated by the minds of even very devoted students of God’s Word. These principles are classified as “New Thought”, which in varying degrees was promoted by the schools of Christian mysticism such as Christian Science and Unity. With time, New Thought underwent a kind of metamorphosis and emerged as the more occultic “New Age” teachings which enjoy such popularity today.
While I do gingerly recommend an investigation into the New Thought system, I also strongly warn against its very dangerous cousin, the New Age movement, with its misplaced angel worship, channeled “bibles”, and deliberate seeking for and development of psychic “gifts.”
Some of the positive aspects of SONGS OF GOD includes:
* The recognition that there is only One Power... namely, “God.” (It is the dualism in Man’s mind that allows for the manifestation of error, i.e., “evil.”)
* The Law Of Faith. (It is our faith in God that is the catalyst for the expression of His Love in our experience. Without our faith, half of the ingredients in the recipe is missing!)
* The “Sin” of Fear. (Amazing! Murphy, D.D., Ph.D., LL.D., D.R.S. discovered Job’s “sin.” Many years ago, I too discerned this important lesson in the book of Job only through determination, diligent study, and prayer. I never knew that anyone else had found it.)
* The Creative aspect of the mind. (God’s Word tells us that He created us in His Image, and He is a “Creator.” Is it any wonder then that His children have imaginative minds and such a capacity to bring into manifestation – or to “create” – the pattern that the mind dwells upon?)
* On page 216, the author reveals his awareness of the ability to materialize and dematerialize that Jesus displayed. Something else that I also recognized by careful Bible study, but never heard acknowledged by another Scripture student... until now!)
Some of the negative aspects of SONGS OF GOD include:
* An irritating amount of repetition.
* Too many long-winded, impromptu prayers composed by the author, when simple Bible verses would have as adequately and more economically conveyed the same principle.
* Numerous carelessly written expressions bound to confuse spiritually immature seekers (i.e., neophyte metaphysicians) regrettably leading to the error of self-enthronement. (I don’t believe this was deliberate on the author’s part, but one must be exceedingly careful not to inadvertently mislead the student into even greater egoism. After all, that was the “original sin”, and what we are all hoping to unlearn.)
* A few passages in which the author is simply in error (unenlightened) and in effect, spreading misinformation (e.g., His misunderstanding of the purpose behind early Christian martyrdom. Did Murphy D.D., Ph.D., LL.D., D.R.S., mean to imply that he was further along the spiritual path than were Saints Peter and Paul? Oh, come on! Likewise, his “explanations” for the pillars of cloud and fire that assisted the Israelites in their wanderings are utter nonsense!)
* At times, the author almost seems to be concocting metaphysical dogmatism on the fly; that is, inventing preposterous symbols, and offering no evidence to support his wild reinterpretations. Examples: “Mother” in PS. 51:5 means “universal subjective mind”?
“Heathens” in PS. 98:2 have “no reference to other human beings”?
The “man” and “woman” in 1 COR. 11:7-8 are our conscious and subconscious minds respectively?
BONG!! "Wrong! But thanks for playing, Mr. Murphy, D.D., PhD., LL.D., D.R.S. As a consolation prize, Vanna Offwhite has a lovely briefcase for you to keep all your extra letters in.”
I sincerely wish I could have given SONGS OF GOD a higher grade than I did because it DOES illustrate very nicely some of the higher Spiritual laws. But it also contains a pretty fair amount of passages that I find objectionable. I can recommend it, but also urge you to offer up a heartfelt and faithful prayer to Jesus for Spiritual insight and guidance before reading it. You’ll need elevated discernment to separate the wheat from the chaff.
The writings of Murphy, D.D., Ph.D., LL.D., D.R.S. are HIGHLY reminiscent of the similar New Thought teachings of JOEL GOLDSMITH. Other than The Holy Bible itself, The Infinite Way books of Goldsmith (especially “A Parenthesis In Eternity”, “The Master Speaks”, and “The Art Of Meditation”) had a more profound influence on my Spiritual understanding than any other publications. Goldsmith teaches the same principles, but I feel his writing makes an even greater impact – his imagery and way with words being more powerful – and I would gingerly suggest that anyone determined to explore these “New Thought” mystical concepts peruse the aforementioned titles.
But again, great caution and advance prayer to The Master (Savior, King, Christ Jesus) is urged, as Goldsmith was a 33rd degree Freemason. The “in-the-know” spiritual students realize that this should set alarms sounding, bells ringing, sirens blaring, red lights flashing, eyes closing and minds praying for protection and guidance. Although my eventual, rather in-depth investigation into Joel Goldsmith never turned up anything “shadowy” beyond his Masonic affiliation, when one plays with the Freemasons, one is dancing in the fiery furnace of Nebuchadnezzar. And unless you’ve got the faith of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, you’re liable to get burned. Proceed... with caution.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy, S.A. with a Ph.D. in B.S., and an S.O.B. who’s S.O.L.
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